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Getting A Head Start on Dental Care


Parents have a major role in helping young children develop a proper oral hygiene routine. Until age 12, parents should demonstrate and supervise their child while brushing their teeth. By that age, children have developed the motor and mental functions needed to routinely do a proper tooth-brushing technique by themselves.

It is essential to establish a proper oral hygiene routine early in life to help ensure the development of strong and healthy teeth. Tooth-brushing should be presented as a daily and nightly habit and an important part of your child’s hygiene routine. In addition to brushing their teeth, children should be introduced to a dentist at an early age. Most people are apprehensive when visiting a dentist because they have not developed a healthy relationship with a dentist in their early years. It is up to parents to be consistent role models by bringing their children to the dentist regularly to ensure that positive relationship.

At GBCA’s Head Start, students are introduced to Robert Grunstein, DMD who serves as our dental partner from Smile Central Dental. Once a year, Dr. Grunstein visits the Head Start locations to do free dental screenings on the students. The dental screenings look for things like cavities and any tooth decay. Dr. Grunstein brings his dental fire truck and his therapy dog, Snickers, to the schools and does his best to make the students feel at ease during the screenings.

For more information about GBCA Head Start and the dental screenings, visit our website or call (201) 366-1020.

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